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The garden is in full bloom! So many flowers we ran out of vases, so we are using all our tea cups and mugs.
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Sometimes you feel like a nut! With Mottahedeh's Nut Leaf collection you can be four nuts; Pecan, Acorn, Hazel Nut and Chestnut. The collection includes a cake dish, a set of 4 dessert plates, and a set of 4 tea cups and saucers.
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A cup full of spring to welcome spring Some blossoms fresh from the garden are sitting in the Lowestoft Garden teacup and saucer, an updated version of our lavish design called Lowestoft Rose circa 1785. The design incorporates delicate flowers and an engraved 22 carat gold border.
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Our solution for flowers with a short stem, a tea cup! These are the last of the flowers before a frost. A Famille Verte Tea cup and saucer is the is the perfect size, not too big, not too small, and the berries match the flowers perfectly, we threw in a few leaves to tie the whole thing together. Perfect for next your bed, or on a side table, guaranteed to brighten up every room.
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Today's Teacup Tuesday is celebrated with the power of the dragon. In the Orient, it symbolizes supernatural power, wisdom, strength, and hidden knowledge. Enjoy a cup of tea and discover yourself. Shown here is our Blue dragon tea service, including the tea pot, tea cup and saucer, covered sugar bowl and creamer sitting upon a blue lace tray, a mug is also available.
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A palette that effortlessly captures a glow that comes to the table naturally.
Explore the Alentejo Collection.
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Happy Tuesday morning & Cappuccino time in the tea cup
On the News stands now... Traditional Home March April issue. Look for Mottahedeh's new ad featuring Chelsea Botanical Tea cups and saucers.
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What a day for a nice hot beverage...
Espresso, Darjeeling, Cafe Latte, we have the perfect cup and saucer just for you. Shown here is Mottahedeh's Blue Shou pattern in Demitasse cup & saucer, Tea cup & saucer and Breakfast cup & saucer.
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In Good Taste and good company from VERANDA magazine Jan-Feb 2017